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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Booking It

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Punxsutawney Phil may have predicted an early spring, but here in Boston, the weather is hardly cheerful. Mountains of snow still litter the Common (a parting gift from Nemo) and temperatures won’t hit fifty for weeks. Students from Boston and beyond are itching to break out the flip flops and ice cream cones; for the time being, though, we’re stuck in our Snuggies, clutching mugs of hot cocoa for warmth. Staying inside might be necessary, but boredom certainly isn’t. Chilly days are perfect for vibrant books — and Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus is a colorful relief from the New England winter.

Set partly in Cambridge, Morgenstern’s debut novel is so richly developed that icy winds and cold fingers fade from memory after the first page. As the Boston Globe comments, it’s “so sparklingly alive, you’ll swear the pages are breathing in your hands.” Reviewers aren’t the only ones to think so. The Night Circus spent seven weeks on the New York Times Bestseller List, reaching a number two spot after its 2011 publication.

Beginning as an entry to the annual National Novel Writing Month in 2005, the story centers on Le Cirque des Rêves, a mysterious, traveling circus open only at night. Main characters include first-time (then second, third, and so on) visitors in addition to the talented employees, whose feats jump off the page like a tiger through a hoop. The main focus, however, lies on Celia and Marco, young illusionists locked in battle since childhood. Both are trained in the art of magic— real magic— and their creations charm readers and characters alike. As performers in the circus, the duelers show great power...and this results in the even greater bond that forms between them.

If you ask me, this novel trumps Twilight, Warm Bodies, and The Mortal Instruments as the greatest paranormal romance in recent years. And the best thing about that? It’s not even really a romance. The story spins a delicate web of character arcs, each one as interesting as the last, and creates such a visceral, enchanting environment that a magical romance is only icing on the cake. This tale of illusion, mystery, and imagination is perfect for a cold winter. Its black and white circus tents will add color and heat to any gray afternoon.

In The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern crafts a world in which readers can get lost. And like guests to Le Cirque des Rêves, they’re not entirely sure they want to leave.

I certainly wasn’t.

By Erin Arata